• Reading Time: 3 Minutes

Visualization of Production Scheduling

Visualisierung der Produktionsplanung scaled

Visualization of Production Scheduling

The saying “A picture is worth a thousand words” is based on scientific findings, because:

  • The brain processes visual information 60,000 times faster than text.
  • About 40 % of all nerve cords connected to the brain are connected to the retina of the eyes.
  • Overall, visual data accounts for up to 90 % of information processed by the brain.

What does it look like in Production Scheduling?

Many companies still plan with an ERP system and Excel. Hundreds and even thousands of manufacturing orders are kept in tables. On this basis, how is one to judge:

  • Whether the production plan is realistic and feasible?
  • Do conflicts exist between material availability and resource capacities?
  • What is the production’s synchronization level?
  • How long is the total production lead time?
  • How effective is the sequence scheduling?
  • How is it possible to evaluate different scenarios?

With ERP-systems and Excel it is impossible!

Asprova APS / SCP

Many advanced scheduling systems (APS) are based on two databases for their code: one for the GUI and one on which the scheduling process runs. Asprova APS is unique in that it is based on a single database in its code for both, the GUI and the scheduling engine. The advantage is obvious: Visualization of the production and calculations occur directly for a data object in real time. This greatly improves the scope of visualization features and overall flexibility.

The following are some examples of the visual view of the scheduling results in Asprova:

Ressourcenkapazitaet Auslastungsdiagramm Resource capacity load diagram (weekly)

Asprova's visualization offers you …

  • A “look into the future” through simulation: This gives you an overview of the order status and lead times for months in advance. This in turn enables front loading management and the determination of the most cost-effective planning / business scenario.
  • An overview of the order status and delivery date of all current and scheduled production orders.
  • Bottleneck management: Bottlenecks are identified at an early stage so that “fire fighter activities” can be avoided.
  • A graphical view of the production sequence and the status of process synchronization.
  • Visualized links between production processes and material stocks (current stock and fluctuation)
  • A clear diagram of resource capacity load and availability
  • Rush orders:  depiction of the possible completion date and the effect on other orders

Asprova is the leading APS that the world’s top Lean-manufacturers rely on, ranging across all industrial sectors, including automotive, machine and plant construction, aerospace, ship building, electronics, pharmaceuticals, process industries, food and beverage, metal and non-metal industries, etc.