BAS Embraces Asprova APS
Now, BAS schedulers autonomously adjust scheduling parameters, a task supported by Asprova’s expression language. The flexibility of these expressions helps schedulers seamlessly transition to navigating Asprova after being familiar with using functions in Excel, although manually and with a limited scope. The tools and expressions Asprova provides, empowers them to efficiently configure reports and essential indicators in alignment with their business targets.
For optimal material utilization, BAS prefers to use a single metal sheet for multiple production orders. When these orders are staggered across distinct timelines, the components are concurrently punched out from a single sheet. Asprova considers production interdependencies, such as determining the optimal laser for use or strategizing the assembly of hefty components, while considering the availability of required manpower.
The company’s perspective on the production process has been transformed. Previously, if an ‘assembly’ operation spanning three days was involved, the scheduler would initiate all components on the first day—body, walls, doors—due to the single start date available in their ERP. With Asprova, these operations can now be sequenced instead of being concurrently scheduled. Consequently, the body is brought down first on the initial day of assembly, followed by the walls on the second day, and concluding with the door on the third day, as it’s installed at the end. This shift enables BAS to embrace ‘just-in-time’ practices while simultaneously streamlining the company’s operations.