
In Version 17.0 we have overhauled Asprova’s UI based on the concept of a modern, reliable UI for beginners and experienced users alike.

Asprova’s new UI is designed to be more user-friendly with simplified icons and characters and improved themes and colour design. The main improvements include:

  • Global window movement: If you drag and drop the global window you can now position which side of the window you would like to move it to.


  • Auto-Hide Feature: You can now use the auto-hide feature for the global window in Asprova. When you press the pin button of the global window, it will auto hide from view. If you hover your mouse over the tab, the global window slides out and becomes visible again.


  • Split Screen Window: You can now drag and drop a tab from the main window to the side (either vertically or horizontally) to create a split screen window where you can easily compare information.


  • Improvements to Tables & Charts: Charts and tables now feature a “flat design”, giving them a more modern look and feel.


  • New Late Delivery Date Symbol: A red circle is now displayed in the bottom right-hand corner of the bar with the text also highlighted. This makes it easier to identify bars with late delivery orders.


  • Improvements to the Toolbar: The toolbar icons have been updated and made more modern, with larger icons and labelled displays that are easier to understand. In addition, the toolbar display can now be saved in the project file.


  • New Custom View: Also, by using Asprova’s COM Interface from JavaScript, data inside Asprova can be retrieved and displayed on the web page and methods such as rescheduling can be executed via the web page.